Okay, first of all we are not an English native speaker, so be patient with us :). There will be many grammatical errors, but let`s say that these make our blog special :).

Also: different words are used for the same products and materials around the world, so there may be an incorrect understanding of the use of these terms. But I think that we will be well understood through the content :) You are invited to correct us or tell us different expressions, we are happy to learn new things.



Please also note that the claims on this blog are primarily intended for European kitchen manufacturers and are generalized. Please check that the technical requirements are actually carried out with your local kitchen specialists.

We are an indoor design company specializing in the design, sale and installation of kitchens. We also work with other furniture, with the emphasis on kitchens, especially with Italian companies and manufacturers of European appliances.

On this blog we will talk about design, planing, performance, materials. And also about trends, companies, quality, details, appliances,...

You are welcomed to send us your questions, we will be happy to anwser them.

Thank you for reading!


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